Thursday, October 16, 2008

Rhode Trip

You know how I do.

Slide Five - Rhode Trip


Anonymous said...

YO! I work for one of the guitarists from Slide Five right now.

What's up with this william devaughn joint? Why am I sleepin?


Anonymous said...

yo day, i got this old "Rhythm Section" song I did a bunch of years ago sampling this album on my old Ensoniq ASR-X (the sega genesis compared to the MPC)(still got it and mess around with it)....

My emcee partner Tahaj the 1st did the rhymes and we used it as an opening song usually. I'll send you and mp3 to see what you think....can you believe it?? I'm finally joining the mp3 revolution (kinda, still waaaay behind)....I'll pick up Serato at some out.....I'll be able to rock shite while checking my email!